Catholic Charities. Providing Help. Creating Hope.
VISION: Believing in the presence of God in our midst, we proclaim the sanctity of human life and the dignity of the person by sharing in the mission of Jesus given to the Church. To this end, Catholic Charities works with individuals, families, and communities to help them meet their needs, address their issues, eliminate oppression, and build a just and compassionate society.
MISSION: Rooted in the Mission of the Diocese of Youngstown "to minister to the people in the six counties of northeastern Ohio . . .(and) to the world community", we are called to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to call the entire Church and other people of good will to do the same.
GOALS: Catholic Charities is devoted to helping meet basic human needs, strengthening families, building communities and empowering low-income people. Working to reduce poverty in half by 2020.
KEY VALUE: Hospitality
WHAT WE DO: Organizing Love. "As a community, the Church must practise love. Love thus needs to be organized if it is to be an ordered service to the community" (Deus Caritas Est, par. 20)
On Sunday, (Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ) we read from the Gospel of Luke about questions about the end of times. Jesus warns his followers not to be taken in or deceived. He further challenges his disciples then and us now that we may be called to be a witness to our faith; we may not be well received in all quarters. Rather, we may be persecuted for our stand and witness to our faith in Jesus. We are also reassured, in the first reading from Malachi, that for believers in Jesus that “there will arise
the sun of justice with its healing rays” and in the Gospel that our “perseverance . . . will secure (our) lives.”
Catholic Charities ( remains steadfast in its Catholic identity and mission, even though some may reject us and provide obstacles to our work and ministries. Many do not share our deepest respect for the life and dignity of each person from conception to natural death; others do not agree with our stand on immigration policy or capital punishment. Yet, in concord with the universal Roman Catholic faith, Catholic Charities remains faithful to its work in the name of Jesus and the Church. Your gift to the Annual Bishop’s Appeal for Catholic Charities and Church ( enables the Church to reach out and bring God’s peace and joy to each person. Thanks.
Reflection from Church Documents and Official Statements
POPE FRANCIS: 'God's Love Is Eternal, It Cannot Change'
Pontiff Leads Thousands in Prayer for Typhoon Victims in the Philippines
Pope Francis reflected on Christ’s response regarding the resurrection of the dead during his weekly Angelus address at St. Peter’s Square. Tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world gathered to listen to the Holy Father.
Regarding (last Sunday’s) Gospel, in which the Sadducees proposed a hypothetical situation to ridicule the belief in the resurrection of the dead, the Holy Father stated that Christ not only responds but also “launches a counterattack” using the Scripture “with simplicity and an originality that fills us with admiration for our Master, the only Master.”
“Jesus finds the proof of the resurrection in the episode about Moses and the burning bush, where God reveals himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,” the Holy Father said. “The name of God is connected to the men and women to which he binds himself, and this link is stronger than death. And we can also say of God’s relationship with us, with each one of us: He is our God! He is the God of each one of us! It is as if he bore our name. It pleases him to say it, and this is the covenant.”
The Holy Father went on to say that God, who is the God of the living and not of the dead, forms a covenant with man through Christ, who overcame death through his death and resurrection. Through Him, God gives us eternal life, a life that “is not merely an embellishment of this present life: it transcends our imagination, because God continually awakens wonder in us with his love and with his mercy.”
“So, what will happen is precisely the contrary of what the Sadducees expected. It is not this life that illuminates eternity, the other life, the one that awaits us, but eternity – that life – that illuminates and gives hope to the earthly life of each one of us! If we look at things only with human eyes, we are brought to say that man’s journey runs from life to death. This is obvious!,” the Pope exclaimed.
Prior to reciting that Angelus prayer, the Pope told the faithful that Jesus gives a different perspective than that of the Sadducees; that our pilgrimage runs from death to life, a pilgrimage towards the fullness of life. The Sacraments, prayer and fraternity with others, he continued, are a preview of the risen life.
“Our experience of his love and his fidelity lights a fire in our heart and increases our faith in the resurrection. In fact, if God is faithful and loves, it cannot be for a limited time: fidelity is eternal, it cannot change. God’s love is eternal, it cannot change! It is not for a limited time: it is forever! And to go forward! He is faithful forever and he awaits us, each of us, he accompanies each of us with this eternal fidelity,” the Pope said.
Moment of Silence for the Philippines
After the recitation of the Angelus, the Holy Father greeted the pilgrims from various countries present in the square. Leading the faithful in prayer, Pope Francis called for a moment of silence for the victims of the super typhoon that recently struck the Philippines while assuring them of his closeness. “Unfortunately, there are many victims and enormous damage. Let us pray for a moment in silence and then to Our Lady for these brothers and sisters of ours and let us try also to help them concretely.”
After the moment of silence, the faithful joined Pope Francis in praying the Hail Mary for the victims of the super typhoon.
Some important date(s) this week:
NOVEMBER IS BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MONTH Visit the DOY webpage for daily reflections/facts.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17. St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1207-1231)
In her short life Elizabeth manifested such great love for the poor and suffering that she has become the patroness of Catholic charities and of the Secular Franciscan Order. The daughter of the King of Hungary, Elizabeth chose a life of penance and asceticism when a life of leisure and luxury could easily have been hers. This choice endeared her in the hearts of the common people throughout Europe.
At the age of 14 Elizabeth was married to Louis of Thuringia (a German principality), whom she deeply loved; she bore three children. Under the spiritual direction of a Franciscan friar, she led a life of prayer, sacrifice and service to the poor and sick. Seeking to become one with the poor, she wore simple clothing. Daily she would take bread to hundreds of the poorest in the land, who came to her gate.
After six years of marriage, her husband died in the Crusades, and she was grief-stricken. Her husband’s family looked upon her as squandering the royal purse, and mistreated her, finally throwing her out of the palace. The return of her husband’s allies from the Crusades resulted in her being reinstated, since her son was legal heir to the throne.
In 1228 Elizabeth joined the Secular Franciscan Order, spending the remaining few years of her life caring for the poor in a hospital which she founded in honor of St. Francis. Elizabeth’s health declined, and she died before her 24th birthday in 1231. Her great popularity resulted in her canonization four years later.
Elizabeth understood well the lesson Jesus taught when he washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper: The Christian must be one who serves the humblest needs of others, even if one serves from an exalted position. Of royal blood, Elizabeth could have lorded it over her subjects. Yet she served them with such a loving heart that her brief life won for her a special place in the hearts of many. Elizabeth is also an example to us in her following the guidance of a spiritual director. Growth in the spiritual life is a difficult process. We can play games very easily if we don't have someone to challenge us or to share experiences so as to help us avoid pitfalls.
"Today, there is an inescapable duty to make ourselves the neighbor of every individual, without exception, and to take positive steps to help a neighbor whom we encounter, whether that neighbor be an elderly person, abandoned by everyone, a foreign worker who suffers the injustice of being despised, a refugee, an illegitimate child wrongly suffering for a sin of which the child is innocent, or a starving human being who awakens our conscience by calling to mind the words of Christ: 'As long as you did it for one of these, the least of my brethren, you did it for me' (Matthew 25:40)" (Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, 27, Austin Flannery translation).
Patron Saint of:
Catholic Diocese of Youngstown responds to Typhoon Haiyan.
The Office of Social Action, on behalf of Catholic Relief Services, is currently accepting monetary donations for emergency relief and long term development related to the recent devastation experienced in the Philippines and the surrounding region due to Typhoon Haiyan. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) continues to work with local Church and other related institutions to provide emergency shelter, water and sanitation, household relief items (blankets, kitchen items, cookware), potable water and toilets.
The 2012 First Step for Change Campaign was our most successful collection to date. Can you help us do even better in the 2013 Campaign?
The First Step for Change Campaign raises funds used to purchase food, formula, diapers, wipes, a limited numbers of cribs, car seats and other items for the low-income pregnant women and families in Catholic Charities’ First Step Programs. In 2012, Catholic Charities’ First Step programs in the Diocese of Youngstown served 4,435 people.
To help ensure the success of this year’s campaign, please contact Nikole Baringer at or 330-744-8451, ext. 323. Feel free to visit our website for more information or to obtain a participation form
USCCB Call for Comprehensive Immigration Reform:
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is asking you to urge your member of the House of Representatives to pass comprehensive immigration reform (CIR) legislation that reflects our Catholic values. You can join the U.S. Catholic Bishops in this effort by sending an electronic postcard to Washington, DC that asks your Representative to pass just and compassionate immigration reform legislation. We are asking that you consider contacting your Congressional Representative. The postcard and more information can be found at You can also write directly to your Congressional Representative by visiting for more information.
A Prayer For The People Of Syria
Almighty eternal God, source of all compassion,
the promise of your mercy and saving help fills our hearts with hope.
Hear the cries of the people of Syria;
bring healing to those suffering from the violence,
and comfort to those mourning the dead.
Empower and encourage Syria’s neighbors
in their care and welcome for refugees.
Convert the hearts of those who have taken up arms,
and strengthen the resolve of those committed to peace.
O God of hope and Father of mercy,
your Holy Spirit inspires us to look beyond ourselves and our own needs.
Inspire leaders to choose peace over violence
and to seek reconciliation with enemies.
Inspire the Church around the world with compassion for the people of Syria,
and fill us with hope for a future of peace built on justice for all.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace and Light of the World,
who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
For the people of Syria, that God may strengthen the resolve of leaders to end the fighting and choose a future of peace.
We pray to the Lord…
2013 Annual Bishop’s Appeal for Catholic Charities and Church.
The in Church/parish appeal is now underway. Please consider a gift to help support the work of Catholic Charities and other ministries of the Diocese of Youngstown
Suffering Priests. That priests who experience difficulties may find comfort in their suffering, support in their doubts, and confirmation in their fidelity.
Latin American Churches. That as fruit of the continental mission, Latin American Churches may send missionaries to other Churches.
Corporal Works of Mercy: The seven practices of charity toward our neighbor
Feed the hungry
Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked
Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick
Visit those in prison
Bury the dead
Note: Please consider joining our
for current updates and calls to action that we can all use.
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